
kylene edwards, IIDA


Joined DS Studio: 2024

BA in Interior Design, Washington State University

Hometown: Davenport, WA


Why I do what I do?  I do what I do because design combines creativity and problem-solving. As a child, I enjoyed arranging furniture in my dollhouses, focusing on the details. I began helping my parents with interior projects, choosing paints and flooring, and assisting with installations. What started as a passion became my career.

My favorite thing about Spokane is… Living here feels like having the perks of a big city without fully committing to the bustling lifestyle. One moment, you're downtown surrounded by skyscrapers, and a short drive later, you're in a secluded, wooded area that feels far from city life. That's the charm of the Pacific Northwest. We get to enjoy both urban energy and rural tranquility.

I cannot live without…  I cannot live without my kitchen space; it's my sanctuary for cooking and crafting culinary masterpieces. Collecting cookbooks from various generations of chefs and bakers is a passion of mine. Cooking serves as my ultimate stress reliever, allowing me to unwind after a challenging day and joyfully immerse myself in creating and experimenting.

How I play?  I thrive on outdoor activities, finding joy in sports like tennis, volleyball, golfing, and skiing. Even relaxing in my backyard, basking in the warmth of the sun, is a cherished pastime. On days when the weather doesn't cooperate, I happily retreat indoors to indulge in movie marathons or tackle household chores. Yet, nothing compares to the warmth of family. Spending quality time together, whether it's playing board games or simply hanging out, fills my heart with contentment.